Ayurveda or Ayurvedic medicine is an ancient system of health care that is native to the Indian subcontinent. It is now in practice for health care in European countries. In the word "Ayurveda" āyur refers "life" or "life principle", and the word veda, which refers to a system of "knowledge".
Ayurveda gives us a model to look at each individual as a unique makeup of the three doshas and to thereby design treatment protocols that specifically address a person’s health challenges.
When any of the doshas become accumulated, ayurveda will suggest specific lifestyle and nutritional guidelines to assist the individual in reducing the dosha that has become excessive. Also, herbal medicines will be suggested, to cure the imbalance and the disease.
Balanced Tridosha means a Healthy Person
Every person (and thing) contains all three doshas. However, the proportion varies according to the individual and usually one or two doshas predominate. Within each person the doshas are continually interacting with one another and with the doshas in all of nature. This explains why people can have much in common but also have an endless variety of individual differences in the way they behave and respond to their environment.
How Do We Get Sick?
Ayurveda holds that specific disease conditions are symptoms of an underlying imbalance. It does not neglect relief of these symptoms, but its focus is on the big picture: to restore balance and to help you create such a healthy lifestyle that the imbalance won't occur again.
“Living in health and balance is the key to a long life free from disease.”